Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How Can You Be Happy

How can you be happy
When really you're sad?
How can you be down
When really you're glad?
How can you be both
When you're only one?
How can your afflictions
You overcome?
How do you fight
When your arms are weak?
How do you instruct
When it hurts to speak?
How do push
That extra mile?
When it's hard to push
Your lips to a smile?
If you cry with me
I'll cry with you
Maybe together
This thing we'll get through
Maybe this day
Even though tough
Needs only a hug
To get through this stuff
If you get my back
I'll take yours
We'll do it together
That's what a friend's for
And tomorrow when comes
The bright shining sun
We'll lift each one up
And make that day fun.
-Sunshine Mama-

Friday, August 21, 2009

What If I Wrote

What if I wrote
a poem for you?
A poem that only
spoke the truth
It not only rhymed
but spoke softly
Of the little things
that I see?
The little things
that irk my mind,
The little things that
are unkind
The little things
that really say
The kind of things
that are hard to say
What if I rhymed
with intent in mind
to capture the feelings
in my mind
Maybe you'd like it,
then maybe not
I think it's more fun
to play blogspot
To rhyme in code
with words that play
Safely away
from the fray.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My Master's Been Thinking..

My master's been thinking
A lot about her blogs
Wondering if
She's only kissing frogs
Thinking about what she did before
Trying to recall
The view before
she opened up this door.
A door to a different world
Where faces are unseen
Only snapshots here and there
Capture what you mean
Words written
where only few are read
Words written
that sometimes ease your head.
Then when we leave this land
to live in all our strife
Are we better at
dealing with our life?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I Know I Should

I know I should, I've felt I could
Say some words to you
To welcome you to thank you
For seeing how I do
Even when told not to.
But that's ok that you came
To see me at this site
I'm amusing and polite
The kind of friend you'd like.
I won't cuss or gossip
To try and get you down
I won't even talk of death
Cause that would make you frown
I'll only say the witty things
The kinds of things you'd like
The kind of things my master thinks
Need a little insight.

Monday, August 3, 2009

It's Come To Me

It's come to me
Like a flash of light
The insight
That I just might
Need to share
A little more
About the things
I'm looking for
I'm looking for love
I'm looking for peace
A place where I
Can say my piece
A place where words
Can jump and run
You let them play
And they have fun
Words that giggle
And words that laugh
Words that hone
my master's craft
Words that that say
In simple ways
The words you never
Get to say.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Here I Am

Here I am
Look at me
Except one thing
There's nothing to see
There's nothing here
I'm not reality...
But just "what if...
What if there's more
here... than
what you were looking for?
What if there's gold
Behind this door?
What if there's silver
And love in store?
What if there's more
Than meets the eye?
What if this test blog
Was more than a try?
What if it's all
just smoke and glass
And what you
see here
Is something
that lasts?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Quiet Here

The words of my master
Have been quiet here
Lying still
But lying near
They are never far
Never out of reach
Only a thought
Allows them to teach
Teach you ask
What can they say?
How can a test blog
Talk this way?
It speaks the words
Its master writes
And written words
Bring forth life
And since life is born
within the pen
A test blog's words
Can live like men.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Words Of My Master

The words of my master
Ring through her ears
The words she hears
rhyme without fear
They rattle and chase
about in her head
They jump and dance
And beg to be said
Speak they say
Say me out loud
Shout if you must
Your words draw a crowd
"Not really", I say
"No one will read...
The words of a test blog
No one will heed.
You must say
Something more wild
You must speak
the words of a child."
Still these words
Won't leave her be
Until her sleep
Helps her to flee.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Can A Test Blog Be Lonely

Can a test blog be lonely
If a test blog can't see?
Can a test blog speak out
If it's imaginary?
Can a test blog hear
If it was never given ears?
Can a test blog feel pain
Can a test blog have fears?
I suppose that it could
If eyes it were given
It could even speak
If words were written
It could even hear
If comments could count
And pain it might feel
If if were real, no doubt.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Here's A Little Rhyme

Here's a little rhyme
Because I'm out of time
And I need to find
Something that rhymes
Today was as full
As a Monday will go
As full as a test blog
likes to go
Tried a few new
Cute little backgrounds
The one I'm wearing now
Is what I found
What do you think
How do you like it?
How does it look?
How does it fit?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm A Blog About Nothing

I'm a blog about nothing
Nothing at all
Only an outlet
To rhyme and fall
A place to stumble
Over my words
A place to fumble
And reach to be heard
Test blogs are like that
Ya know...
They're only half done
They're not ready
To show
So you get to see
How it would be
Without the veil
Making me pretty
You get to see
Many dry runs
Which for me
Is what I call fun.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I Was Waiting For You

I must admit what's true
I was waiting for you
Waiting to see if you'd come
When told not to
I am a test blog
Testing out what's true
And it's interesting to see
How a blogger will be
But what is very true
Is that I was never meant to be
I was never meant to speak
I was never meant to see
I was only meant for practice
Practice for reality.
That is why I can say
I don't exist today

Friday, July 17, 2009

I See You've Looked Again

I see you've looked again
wondering about me
wondering why a test blog
would speak so freely
Well, here's the answer now
And I've told you this before
It doesn't matter what I say
These words will never soar.
They'll never reach the sky
Or touch a person's heart
Because a test blog isn't real
It's just a false start.
I was never meant to be
When she created me
But that is why
I can speak so free
I'm not suppose to be
A certain way today
You don't expect the world from me
You don't even have to stay
I'm only in your mind
Something you can't see
I don't exist
I'm imaginary.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why did you Look?

Why did you look?
What did you hope to see?
Was it just a simple case
of curiosity?
There's really nothing here
As you soon will tell
I'm just a test blog
Just a wishing well
Sometimes you'll see my words
That my owner writes
And other times a new background
That she kind of likes
She likes this place to be
A secluded little place
Where she can try a different dress
Without the mess it makes.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Told You Not To Look..

I told you not to look,
but I see that's what you've done
I'm just a test blog
Only half done.
I was never meant to be
I was never meant to talk,
You're a lot better off
If you'd go for a walk.
But now that you're here,
What can I say...
I'm only around
For my owner to play.
She plays with words
And works on her wit...
And then when she's done...
that's it.